Digital solutions have the potential to radically transform education. Using virtual reality as a primary tool for leadership training can improve healthcare systems by broadening the experiences of healthcare leaders thus providing better outcomes, services and quality to patients across the EU. Virtual reality simulation offers educators the chance to provide students with experiential learning that would otherwise not be available to them.
This project uses virtual reality to increase the leadership capabilities of future healthcare managers and policy makers using public health crises as the key theme of the training programme. Leadership education within healthcare is vital to healthcare systems. Health professionals are dealing with constant changes to both the systems they work in and the patients they serve. Equipping the health workforce with the skills to deal with this change is of pressing importance for educators, researchers, and policy makers.
The project will:
- develop a multifaceted toolkit to support healthcare educators teach leadership to healthcare professionals across Europe;
- test and implement innovative virtual reality practices in healthcare leadership education;
- develop a leadership curriculum that can be used for online, blended and distance teaching and learning;
- develop a ‘train the trainers’ e-learning platform that supports teachers and trainers in adapting their leadership courses to online & distance learning;
- test, evaluate and peer review the toolkit in multiple EU countries;
The VRHealthLeaders project runs from May 2021 to April 2023.